JKON 2022
The JKON, Young Art Olten, takes place in the Schützi Olten from the 25th until 27th of August 2022.
Anita Moser Benjamin Schwander Catherin Schöberl Emile Van Helleputte Isabelle Benvenuti Lars Tuchel Manuela Cossalter Marc M. Lauber Noah Ismael Wyss Teddy Pratt Tirza Matter
Laureates 2022:
Isabelle Benvenuti (CHF 5000 cash prize of the foundation Hans and Beatrice Maurer-Billeter)
Catherin Schöberl (exhibition in the summer window showcase of Kunsthaus Zofingen LOOK@JKON 2023)
Manuela Cossalter (exhibition "Dienstraum" of the Kunstmuseum Olten in 2023)